Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dialakorobugu!! Pictures!!

Still at Tubaniso...finding out our homestay villages!! Mine is Dialakorobugu by Bamako with all SEDDIES and learning Bambara!!

Driving through Bamako on the way to our homestay village

Finally in Dialakorobugu!! Here's Josh and Mary Telley (our koromogo = Bambara teacher) at our class room. Our classroom is under the shade of this tree in the 90-100 degree heat 6 days a week

Marlow aka Fatimata (her Malian name) and me under the shade of our classroom's tree
Sun coming down on our way home after class (It's HOT)

In another dugu (village) for SEDDIE training. This is another group of Seddies learning Bambara. 

Walk home from Bambara class - watching the sun go down. It's so dusty here that the sky is usually reddish.

Moi in my so (house) after a shit load of sun

SOCCER GAME!!! This is the backdrop of our classroom. No, seriously, it is. 

SOCCER!! Obvs soccer is big in Africa. Every couple of days there are huge soccer games in the field aka our classroom.

Sundown in Dialakorogobugu ... our walk home after class all day amazing place. Small village where you have to greet every person you see. I ni su!


  1. Nice pictures. Great to see what it's like over there. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and determined people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.

    -Nathan Gill

  2. I posted a comment and tried twice but it didn't post when I pressed the button. I love your new blog and pics and your cousin Erin, Uncle Terrys daughter is reading it. LOVE YOU!

  3. Nice photos...hope you are doing well. I'm green with envy. Know it is (or will be) tough, but you are tougher...and talented. Have fun. Enjoy. You will look back on this as a great experience. Change the world. You can do it. Hugs.

  4. Laura, looks like you are adjusting very well. I have enjoyed the pics and hearing everything you are doing. Keep them coming. Love you. N
